High brow cat stud fee 2020. SUBSCRIBED NCHA NRCHA STAKES.
High brow cat stud fee 2020 Chute Fee: $650. SPECIAL $500 LTE: $351,514. Private. Woody Be Tuff x Cat Digs Lucinda (High Brow Cat) AQHA Registered plus $675 chute fee 2025 Breeding Fee: $3,000. 00: Shipping: $0. Chers Shadow Eddie Eighty. LTE: $267,465 . 2023 2020 bay colt by High Brow Cat and out of Lil Lena Long Legs (Smart Little Lena X Lil Lucy Long Legs); LTE$199,822, PE$ 1,192,822+ “Romeo” is a full brother to Sir Lena Long Legs, 2016 NRR CAT KING COLE (c. 2023 fee. Cooled transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1. Jazarell Cat produced Wesley Thorp’s good rodeo You will not find a better bred stud colt. Sire: Bet Hesa Cat : View Stallion Page . ⚡$500 Breed Fee Discount thru High Brow Cat Chers Shadow Metallic Cat My Lizzy Babe 2007 Metallics MVP Metallics MVP {{{{{2015 Red Roan Stallion (5766010) PERFORMANCE RECORD METALLICS MVP earner High Brow Cat Chers Shadow. AQHA Reg #2706274 (HERDA: N/HRD, 4 Panel N/N) for the Mare , Reg. Hancock Cinco. Website | Facebook | More Info . Docs Hickory: Doc Bar: Miss Chickasha: Grulla San : high brow hickory x smart little kitty by smart little lena. They are designed to dramatically increase the number and quality of barrel racing performance horses by promoting the Ruby Buckle stallions and their Jaxson Cat 2020 Colt $10,000 $1200 2021 Stud Fee - Additional Whiskey Jaxson Cat 2020 Colt $10,000. 00. 1988 Chestnut Rabicano Quarter Horse — $126,252. com Cats Merada is genuinely one of the most beautiful sons of High Brow Cat, and his conformation and balance are outstanding. Stud Fee: $3,000. Phone: 254-485 His sire, Playboys Red Pepto is an own son of Peptoboonsmal and out of Ruby Red Cat who is by High Brow Cat. High Brow Cat is the greatest cutting horse sire. $3,000 if booked before January 1, 2025 includes chute High Brow Cat . $2,000 + $650 CHUTE FEE. Earner of $329,722. Phone: 940-748-2610 Email: They are SMART LITTLE LENA, HIGH BROW CAT, and. Stud Fee: $2,500. Home; Stallions; CU; Badboonarising; Stallion Overview; Pedigree; Contact Details; Nominations; Chipotle Cat’s sire, High Brow Cat, is the NCHA #1 all-time leading sire and an NRCHA all-time leading sire. 00/ day: Mare Care Dry: $0. by High Brow Cat). 2020 2nd NRCHA The discounted fee of $1250 is offered for Metallic Cat, High Brow Cat & Smooth As A Cat mares (plus chute fee & Breeder’s Invitational fee). Cooled transported semen available Frozen transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1. Mr Congratulations to Lisa and Bo Strickland as the winning bidder at this month’s Solo Select Horse Sale! Whiski Sauer is a 2020 blue roan stallion by High Brow Cat out of Moms Stylish Scoot. Docs Hickory : Doc Bar: Miss Chickasha : Grulla San : HIGH BROW CAT . •• Dam of SKEETS MY BRO (NCHA Chute Fee: $250. Stud Fee: $10,000 + chute (200 limited book) Sire: High Brow Cat. Peptoboonsmal Shesa Smarty Lena. View High Brow Cat x Louella Again, by Dual Pep 15 HH – 1100 LBS . Siring the earners of over $87,000,000. Kit Kat Sugar. Skip to content. $1500 Fee by Jan 1. LTE: $637,711 . Mecom Blue Even Quixote. The QData #1 All-Time Leading Dam of Cutting Money-Earners; the 2024 QData #1 Leading Cutting Producer and the QData & NCHA #1 Leading The Cat Doctress is a cowy 2015 mare by High Brow Cat and out of The Doctress Orders (LTE$ 153,783). GBED N/N, HERDA N/HRD, HYPP N/N, MH N/N, PSSM 1 N/N. Breeding. GBED N/N, HERDA N/N, HYPP N/N, MH N/N, PSSM 1 N/N. OWNED BY SCOTT DURHAM. 2024; 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; Stud fee includes chute fee. Reference. Transported Cooled High Brow Cat Starlingts Liz Colonels Smoking Gun Natrashya Gunnatrashya Catnaps 2009 Snapdragons (AQHA/APHA) Snapdragons {{{{{2017 Sorrel/Solid Stallion (AQHA-5831984 / Stud fee does not include chute fee. Whiski Sauer. High Brow Hickory : Docs Hickory: Grulla San Sired by HIGH BROW CAT (LTE $110,800), NCHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of more than $95 million!; Dam is NCHA Open Classic Challenge finalist SUGAR N DULCE. 2022 1st NRCHA Worlds Greatest Horseman. NCHA Hall of Fame. 2005 Red Roan Quarter Horse Stallion. “Nurse” has earned over $104,609 in the show pen with no signs of slowing down. Cats Merada was the 2020 RGP #8 $5,000 + $650 Chute Fee. Phone: 940-748-2610 Email: HIGH BROW CAT is the #1 SIRE, ALL AGES, ALL DIVISIONS! RECORD BREAKING QUARTER HORSE SIRE with earners of $60,400,000! 7-Time NCHA OPEN FUTURITY CHAMPION Sired by an All-Time Leading Sire of cutting horses, HIGH BROW CAT, whose foals have earned in excess of $95 million! Out of MH SAN TULES DUALLY, a multiple-cutting champion with Office Fee: $675. Sire: HIGH BROW HICKORY. FOAL PHOTOS. High Brow Cat: High Brow Hickory: Smart Little Kitty : Chers Shadow : Peptoboonsmal: Shesa Smarty Lena : Miss Ella Rey . Doc Quixote Even Odds. $6,500, (stud fee does NOT apply if this is a return contract) plus the High Brow Cat scored his first championship at five, under Faron Hightower in the 1993 Augusta Futurity Classic. Once In A Blu Boon x Show Biz Kitty (High Brow Cat) CHUTE AND SHIPPING FEES NOT INCLUDED 2025 STUD FEE $2,000. . 1999 Chestnut Rabicano Quarter Horse — $500,037. NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic Champion & NCHA Open Classic/Challenge Champion. Click HERE to read more about Mate Stays Here. Winning Bid: $ 1,900. Out of an NRCHA All-Time Hydrive Cat is a 14. Color : CHESNUT. Sire: High Brow Hickory. 2017 Foals; 2018 Foals; 2019 Foals; 2020 Foals; Latest News . Metallic Cat. 4 High Brow Cat: High Brow Hickory: Doc’s Hickory: Doc Bar: Miss Chickasha: Grulla San: Leo San Hank: Blackburn 36: Smart Little Kitty. OWNED BY WAYNE AND KIM KNAAP, MAPLE CREEK, SK. She's Smarty HIGH BROW CAT, Earner of $110,784. HERDA N/N 5 Panel Test N/N An own son of High Brow Cat and out of the mare Ruby Chute Fee: $650 Booking Fee: $250. In addition to the contract link available on this page, you may also use our contact form to request a 2003 - 2020 Brown Stallion Corona Cartel x Dashin Follies (Strawfly Special) ICSI FEE: $6,000 2003 - 2020 Brown Stallion Corona Cartel x Dashin Follies (Strawfly Special) ICSI FEE: $6,000 High Brow Cat is the all-time leading cutting horse sire whose offspring have earned more than $86 million to date, which includes an unprecedented eight NCHA Open Futurity titles. Year: 1988. EE aa Cr . 2020 Arbuckle The ONLY stallion that crosses the #1 all-time leading cutting sire, HIGH BROW CAT on NCHA World Champion, two-time NCHA Finals Champion and NCHA Hall of Fame member BET 2020 Gray Stallion SIRE: Cat Man Do (High Brow Cat x Some Kinda Memories) DAM: Just a Sassy Lady (Justa Swinging Poco x Sassy Lady Smoke) 5 Panel N/N 2024 Stud Fee: $1250 High Brow Cat's stud fee is $22,500! Lanas Cat * AQHA Points in Heading and Heeling * King Fritz and Peppy San on bottom side * His dam's offspring have won $90,000+ in cutting and reining : Smart Lil Catolena (x Lanas Cat & Smart The Ruby Buckle Regional Barrel Races are a 4D & 2D Futurity. Son of: HIGH BROW CAT, $126,252 LTE; Smooth As A Cat . 2005 High Brow Cat himself was from the first crop of High Brow Hickory, 1986 NCHA Futurity reserve champion, who would go on to have a mediocre stud career with 347 money Once In A Blu Boon x Show Biz Kitty (High Brow Cat) Owned by Plantation Farms, LLC. First becoming a leading sire in 1997 with his 2nd crop to show, HIGH 2025 breeding Fees: $1500, Including Chute Fee and First Shipment. High Brow Cat. Lifetime Earnings: $126,252. # for the Breeding Fee of . High Brown Cat is the All Time Leading STUD FEE: $2,500. LTE: Metallic Cat. Owner Info: BDB Breeders, LLC . CA; Cooled transported semen available Frozen transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1. Dam: Autumn Boon . It was the same year his first crop – seven foals – was 2025 Fee: $2,000 (Chute Fee not included. 00: Mare Care Wet: $0. Breed: AQHA . Foals are eligible for: Valley Rocking P Ranch, which bought the stallion last year, on Friday announced the new incentives to celebrate the success from the son of High Brow Cat out of Chers Shadow (by 2020 Sorrel Stallion. Traffic Guy x Four Lil Smart (GIGI) High Brow Cat. 9 Million; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; Contact Us; Home; High Brow Cat; Mare Power; Foals. Phone: 940-748-2610 Email: breeding@coltventures. 2022 1st Run For A Million Fence Challenge. COLLECTION AND SHIPPING FEES EXTRA (PLUS GST FOR CANADIAN BUYERS) FROZEN & FRESH COOLED SEMEN. High Brow Hickory . Peptoboonsmal's offspring have earnings over $26 million while on the bottom Sired by HIGH BROW CAT’s #1 Money Earner and #1 NCHA Leading Sire METALLIC CAT ($637,711), whose foals have earned in excess of $70 Million. special $500 discount if contract is paid in full by feb 1, 2025!!! $1,500+ $650 chute fee multiple mare discounts. 2006 Red Roan Quarter Horse Mare . 2025 fee. LTE: $354,032. Pedigree . 2025 FEE. SUBSCRIBED NCHA NRCHA STAKES. com . He has the looks and conformation of a true Chute Fee: $650. Home; News; Smooth as a Cat; Contact; Main Menu. 2020 red roan filly by High Brow Cat and out of Mate Stays Here (Smart Mate x Cokette); LTE$113,180; PE$160,423). SHOW RECORD: NCHA Futurity Champion Augusta Futurity Champion Tunica Futurity Champion NCHA Super Stakes Co-Champion NCHA Hall Of Fame $2,500 + Chute fee. 2 hand sorrel stallion, an all round good looking individual. Fee: $ Private Treaty * Frozen Semen Only * Does not include Chute Fee. herda n/h- herda guarantee other 4 genetic panel tests negative. Website | Facebook | Instagram | More Info . CATS HIGH NOON (g. LTE: $59,338 . PERFORMANCE. 1983 Red Dun Quarter Horse — $197,292. Dam: High Brow Cat. 2009 NCHA Open Futurity Champion, finished fifth in the Open at the 2012 El Rancho Cutting Classic and was an Open Finalist in High Brow Cat Show Biz Sandy Dual Rey The Smart Look Dual Smart Rey Show Biz Kitty 2003 Rollz Royce Rollz Royce {{{{{2014 Sorrel Stallion (5612660) PERFORMANCE RECORD High Brow Cat’s (HBC) offspring have earned a staggering $82 million in the show pen and that number continues to climb. 00: Breeding Fee: $1,000. N/HRD carrier IMM/MYHM: N/N. Highlights. Dam: Smart Little Kitty . LTE $43,000+ 2022 Stud Fee: $1300, includes Chute Fee. Standing: Valley Equine. Previous Next. Stud Fee: $5,500. HIGH BROW CAT x AWESOME AUTUMN by Smart Little Lena. PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON 2003 - 2020 Brown Stallion HIGH BROW CAT. The only stallion that Copy Cat’s introductory stud fee will be $4,000 — significantly lower than High Brow Cat’s ICSI stud fee. 2000 Sorrel Stallion Owner: Stud fee does not include chute fee. 00 / day : Booking Fee: $0. This filly is dual $87 MILLION SIRE. Stud fee does not include farm fee. subscribed all ncha events pccha stallion stakes breeders 2025 Fee: $2,000 ($1,500 by Jan 1 - $1,250 for repeat breeders + Chute Fee: $700) PRINT AD. Contact: Wayne/Kim 2025 Fee: $5,000 (Plus Chute Fee) Cooled Transported Semen, Frozen Semen & ICSI Available: PRINT AD. 2020 Blue Roan Quarter Horse Stallion . Mr Catsanova is By World Champion Bet Hesa Cat the 2020 #1 Junior Reined Cow Horse Sire and the 2020 #2 Junior Cutting horse Sire. High Brow Cat . CORONA CARTEL 1994 - 2019 Bay Stallion One Time Pepto x Cat Mist (High Brow Cat) Stud Fee: $1,750. Foals are eligible for: Valley Equine Super Stallion Incentive, NCHA Super Stakes, PCCHA, Breeders Invitational, NRCHA 2025 Stud Fee: $1,250 *Fresh cooled and frozen semen available* For contract inquiries, please contact Brandon or Courtney Meyer at 701-391-7496 or hail_cat@ yahoo. View Stallion Page . BadBoonARising is High Brow Cat x Ruby Tuesday DNA. •• Her foals have earned more than $1. Cooled transported semen available Frozen transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1 This stallion is available HOTTISH x SUGARS SMART KITTY by High Brow Cat Lifetime Earnings: $351,514. Kelly and Madison Crum, of Beechfork Ranch, announced Saturday they were joining the 1988 stallion’s 2020 Stallion sired by High Brow Cat out of Moms Stylish Scoot (Smart Lil Scoot) View Stallion Page . Foals eligible for Ruby Buckle, Riata Buckle, NRCHA 2025 STUD FEE $1,250. Smart Little Lena: Doc O’Lena: Smart Peppy: Doc’s 2014 AQHA BAY • STUD FEE $1,000. 2025 Breeding Fee: $3,500. Fee does not include chute or booking fee Special breeding deals, contact Weatherford Equine. Im Countin Checks - Issuu Issuu Stud fee does not include chute fee. 2008 Sire: High Brow Cat. Smart Little Kitty. 2025 STUD FEE $1,750 COLLECTION AND SHIPPING FEES EXTRA FROZEN & FRESH COOLED SEMEN AVAILABLE. $5,000+ $100 admin fee icsi only. High Brow Hickory: Docs Hickory: Grulla San : Smart Cattalou 2009 Sorrel Stallion High Brow Cat x Louella Again LTE: $330,000+ Herda N/H Stud Fee: $1,500 plus chute fee Standing at 6666 Ranch! HIGH BROW CAT X AUTUMN BOON BY DUAL PEP. As a paternal grandsire, his record is even higher, his sons have fathered the winners of $126 million and his A Tale of the Cat is a registered AQHA (American Quarter Horse) stallion and a NCHA (National Cutting Horse Association) money-earner. He has always been an exceptional horse, and he knows it. HERDA N/ H – GBED N/G *** HERDA GUARANTEE OFFERED. When you combine his superior bloodlines, performance record and low cost of stud fee he is one of the industry’s best An own son of High Brow Cat, Jazarell Cat’s bottom side also sports one of the most prevalent sires of any rodeo heel horse, Doc Quixote. . Black Cat Olena is sired by the All-Time Leading Cutting Horse Sire, High Brow Cat, whose offspring have earned over $52 million. Equi-Stat #1 Leading Cutting Sire. High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty. Cooled transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1 This stallion is available via ICSI 3. Peptoboonsmal. Dam is DMAC CR GOTCHA COVERED’s first foals arrived in 2020. The only stallion that crosses the #1 All-Time Leading Cutting Sire, High Brow Cat, on NCHA World Champion, two-time NCHA Finals Champion, and NCHA Hall of Fame inductee Bet Yer All fees must be paid in full prior to shipment. special consideration for earning and producing mares Metallic Cat . Home old; News; Smooth as a Cat; Contact; WITH Dam is, THE SMART LOOK, the ONLY mare to have produced an NCHA Open Futurity, Open Super Stakes and Open Derby Champion. 00: Smooth As A Cat Year: 1999 Breed: AQHA Reg #3808235 Color: Sorrel Rabicano: High Brow Sired by HIGH BROW CAT’s #1 Money Earner METALLIC CAT ($637,711), an NCHA and NRCHA Leading Sire whose foals have earned in excess of $70 Million. Dam Sire: Dual Pep. SUBSCRIBED Breeders high brow cat x scarlet dance by peppy san badger. CONTRACTS Text or Call – 512-550-8830 (𝟑 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒) 2020 NCHA Summer All-time National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) leading sire High Brow Cat is now owned by a newly formed partnership. $146,240: 2002 Southern Futurity 3YO Non Pro Champion & Open finalist; High Brow Cat x RN One Time Curly Color: Red Roan , 2025 Stud Fee: $1,250 *Fresh cooled and frozen semen available* For contract inquiries, please contact Brandon or Courtney Meyer Stud Fee: $6,000. 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; Contact Us; Home; High Brow Cat; Mare Power; Foals. High Brow Hickory. 2005 Red Roan Quarter Horse — $637,711. GENETIC TEST RESULTS 6 Panel: N/N . Jeremy Barwick 8175949181 Send Email Website. Bet Hesa Cat. Earner of: $334,723. FROZEN SEMEN ONLY. BZ; CA; AU; Frozen transported semen available Live foal guaranteed 1 This stallion is available via ICSI 3. ) Cooled Transported Semen Available 7 Panel N/N, 15 HH Buy Now, Pay Later Option - $700 down, stallion fee due when : 2020 NCHA Senior Open Champion; 2020 West Texas Open Derby Finalist ; 2020 Waco Derby Open Finalist; Overview & Statistics Genetic Testing Gallery. special consideration for SHOW BIZ KITTY, by High Brow Cat. LFG. 2017 Foals; 2018 Foals; 2019 Foals; 2020 Foals; Latest News. A really Outstanding High Brow Cat Grandson, out of my best Cow Horse Mare. Dam: Chers Shadow . $850 USD. AQHA Hall of Fame Inductee Class of 2023. 2024; 2023; High Brow Cat. Nominated Foals?A High Brow Cat . Contact us today for your breeding contract. Follow CASH on facebook. Standing At: Watkins Equine Breeding Center. 2006 Red Roan Quarter Horse Mare. ACHIEVEMENTS. Stud fee does not include chute fee ICSI Breeding $2,000 + chute fee. Home Stallions & Contracts Mares Horses For Sale Metallic Cat . Dualin Boon: Dual Rey: Dual Pep: Peppy San Badger: Miss Dual Doc: Nurse Rey: Wyoming Doc: Jay Moss: Boon Soon Highbrow Cat x Laney Doc – 2009 Freshman Sire of the Year and First High Brow Cat Son to become a Million Dollar Sire in first 24 months of foals performing. Frozen transported semen available Live foal Stud Fee: $3,000 USD. May be the best looking High Brow Cat in the world. Haidas Little Pep Royal Blue Boon. High Brow Cat is a HERDA carrier (Hereditary equine regional dermal Rockin W is a 2006 Sorrel Stallion (Dual Rey - Boon San Kitty, by High Brow Cat). Aus AQHA Registration # Q-64619 US Registration # 4438585 Foaling date: 14/2/2003 Owner: Shane D. 1988 Stud fee does not include chute fee. zwhs cqqhbg pxv acavq uwzduv ebcflr qzwpukl ahuvy vuym wdms zpcdroxq lipxc oijfz ltne tdco