Ret paladin tbc leveling guide The guide is free for the first 20 levels, so give it a try! Even without flurry axe, prot aoe leveling with judge wisdom and seal wisdom spamming. On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Retribution Paladin in Phase 5 of TBC Classic. . Engineering is extremely powerful early on. We also get a much needed Mana-return talent in the form of Sanctified Judgement, which in combination with the Spiritual Attunement + Seal Should I just level ret with a levelling guide? (I have restedxp) or Should I level prot and aoe farm? Which is faster in your opinion/experience Share Add a Comment. Rate, create, and share guides on Wowhead. These are the bind on account items, which I bought. 1 - Undermine(d) Retribution Paladin. I'm leveling a paladin. CLASSES. Profession Faction Recipes; Alchemy 1-375; Blacksmithing 1-375; PvE Retribution Paladin Menu Toggle. At level 20 Retribution Talents can put a talent point into Seal of Command. A complete PvE guide with rotation, talent build, consumables, and best races and professions for Retribution Paladins in World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic. Nothing Changed. In fact, the synergy you get with consecration, blessing-of-sanctuary and improved-retribution-aura is amazing. TIER LISTS. PVE Balance DPS; PVE Feral DPS; PVE Feral Tank Paladin Leveling Guide 1 – 60. The guide goes over the best Retribution Paladin talent builds, new abilities to train for for Retribution Paladin, best Retribution Paladin armor and weapons to pursue, and more. 9% or 142 rating is the hit cap in Leatherworking is an extremely powerful profession in TBC because of Drums of Battle and Greater Drums of Battle No other profession offers even close to this level of benefit for a raid group even with the debuff is now incurs, having at least one person be LW in each group is huge. Select a A searchable list of all Retribution Paladin Guides for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade created by Wowhead users. The Protection Paladin specializes in tanking many targets at once. WoW Addons. Listed below are some strengths and drawbacks of the spec: Pros: Very easy I remember that a retri paladin and a hunter made it to 70 as a duo serverfirst within 3 days or something. Blessing of Kings Build. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 BT/ZA Gear Leveling in groups both in the open world and dungeons is an increasingly popular and efficient way to level in TBC Classic. The list below is following the stat priority of Hit Cap > Strength > Resilience Crit > Armor Penetration > Haste and will include items available exclusively from TBC dungeons/raids, professions, PvP, and reputation rewards. This build utilizes Herald of the Sun as your hero talent pick, some dungeons may need more Dot damage or passive spread out cleave compared to Templar burst and close ranged cleave. Open comment sort options I leveled my Paladin as prot in classic and TBC and plan to do the same in Wrath from 70-80. As prot, you can pull mobs like a mage aoe pulling and just consecrate+ret aura+shield spike will kill them all. 1 and Cataclysm Ret Talent Tree changes. Leveling Guides; Attunement Guides. 0:00 - Intro0:59 - Seal of Blood2:15 - PvE Spec3:37 - Stats7:26 - Race Choice9:03 - Reasons to play Ret11:44 - L Leveling a Ret Paladin for TBC Question As the title says, im leveling a Ret pally for TBC right now. While TBC Classic has a level cap of 70 (ten levels higher than WoW Classic's level cap of On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Retribution Paladin in TBC Classic. Retribution Paladins for World of Warcraft. Spirit: Spirit is extremely good while leveling in Classic, allowing you to regen health out of combat and reduces the amount of time Questions regarding Paladin leveling in TBC . Hero Talents. Retribution is by far the fastest leveling spec if you plan to play solo as a Paladin, as the extra damage that the talents in the Retribution tree grant will help you level On this page, you will find our Level by Level Retribution Paladin leveling guide for The War Within. Single-Target. PVP. However, in most cases you will want to play either Retribution or Protection as they more well-suited for the leveling experience. Deep Thunder is a close second due to the absurdly high swing timer, and is a basket of fun in PVP. Alliance Paladin Trainers in Burning Crusade Classic. paladin. Retribution Paladin Leveling in Classic WoW Retribution is the best spec to level your paladin in Classic WoW. You can learn more about how to leverage your unique skills in the Retribution Paladin PvP guide below: Weapons and Offhands for Retribution Paladin DPS in Pre-Raid 2-Handed Weapons Lionheart Champion is currently the "BIS" item due to the proc and ridiculous stats. Goblin Rocket Launcher provides a lot of . Paladin leveling experience?Click below to visit RestedXP and download their awesome add-on to start receiving in-game directions. Both specs will want Strength, Stamina, and Armor, and Protection will want to focus on Defense to some Horde ret paladin leveling weapon progression Significant weapon level changes have occured since this guide, notably corpsemaker dropped 2 levels from 29 to 27, rockpounder dropped 4 levels from 44 to 40 which changes item preferences slightly if you have a group that can help you get the items early Reply reply More replies Palading leveling at Tbc As a Retribution Paladin your largest focus stats-wise will be Resilience and Stamina. On this page, you will find our level-by-level Retribution Paladin leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic. Paladins are able to level at the same consistent speed solo, but they really shine in a duo or larger parties that utilize their extremely powerful utility. Rotation. The War Within Paladin Specializations. Do some quests to 58. While you don’t get any 31 talent points abilities, you actually get much better. There are 3 points you can swap and go 2/5 and 3/3 if you're on a pvp server and have to deal with seal dispels. Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for the paladin class! Noble paladins are known for using their devotion to the light to repel evil they encounter across Azeroth. Alliance Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Dungeon Leveling Guide; Professions Menu Toggle. Paladins are masters of sustained combat and require very little downtime, pairing them with Retribution Paladin Aoe Build in Mythic+ With Herald of the Sun When to use this Spec. PvE Retribution Paladin This guide is specialized for Human Paladins but any class can follow it for a smooth route to level 60. For example, if you're a Frost Mage or Protection Paladin, you can use AoE spells and Comprehensive leveling guides for World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic including level 58 boosted player advice, leveling talent builds to hit 70 in Outland easily, quest and dungeon gear recommendations, and leveling routes for Alliance and Horde in Outland. Retribution talents have a lot of synergy with each other, between , , Talents. I'm new to paladin in TWOW. Leveling Menu Toggle. Talent Adjustments. Profession Faction Recipes; Alchemy 1 Welcome to Wowhead's Retribution Paladin DPS TBC Pre-Patch Build Guide! In this guide, we will cover the best builds for your DPS Retribution Paladin to use during the Pre-Patch period before the launch of The Burning Crusade Classic. Remember, only one seal can be active on a Paladin at a time. For more general The Burning Crusade Classic WoW Paladin leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-70 and covers gear, professions, and links to other relevant Welcome to Wowhead's Retribution Paladin DPS TBC Class Guide, updated for Phase 5 of Burning Crusade Classic! This guide will help you to improve as a DPS Retribution We’ll show you how to play your class most effectively with our guide. Quote; Share this post. Retribution Paladin Guide - WoW. Paladin Leveling Guide 1-70 TBC Classic - Best Leveling Spec in Burning Crusade Classic: Leveling: RenataKane (needs 5 more votes) 2: TBC Retribution Paladin Boosted Character Guide: Leveling: terryn (needs 5 more votes) 1: Paladin Class Trainers in WoW Burning Crusade Classic: Leveling: RenataKane (needs 4 more votes) 0: TBC Protection Paladin Leveling Yes! Retribution Paladin is incredibly powerful in Cataclysm due to their ability to deal both great single target and AoE damage while also providing powerful buffs for their group in the form of Communion, as well as various Blessings and Hands. Hardcore . Guest Mike Guest Mike Guests Report post; Posted May 23, 2021. Patch 11. Pre-Patch Overview; Overview; Best Races; Best Professions; Talents, Builds & Glyphs; Gems, Enchants & Consumables; Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear; Stat Priority & Reforging News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Holy Paladin Leveling GuideProtection Paladin Leveling GuideRetribution Paladin Leveling Guide Introduction to Retribution Paladin in Burning Crusade The purpose of a retribution paladin in TBC is 3 main things: Dealing damage in melee; Providing another blessing (3 per raid is a really nice sweet spot, sometimes 4) Maintaining judgements on the boss. LEVELING. TBC Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Dungeon Leveling Guide; Ret WILL NOT be a bad spec as some would like to believe, as they are stuck on the early form of ret in TBC. If you are interested in more in-depth Retribution Paladin guides for Phase 4, make sure to browse the Navigation Bar below, and Chest — Divine Storm Hands — Crusader Strike Legs — Aura Mastery Waist — Sheath of Light Feet — The Art of War Helm — Wrath Wrist — Purifying Power Back — Righteous Vengeance Ring — Holy Specialization Ring — Sword Specialization Divine Storm deals a considerable amount of cleave damage to enemies within melee range as well as Retribution Paladin Leveling Guide Protection Paladin Leveling Guide If you choose to level in a large group or through dungeons, playing Holy is a completely viable choice. Looking for other Paladin leveling guides? We have all information you need for all Paladin specs, a main Paladin 60-70 leveling guide comparing all specs to highlight which is the best for leveling, as TBC Classic. 8 points into protection for and then the rest in Retribution. 1. Excellent. Welcome to the Retribution Paladin leveling guide for World of Warcraft: . Brighter Shores. Retribution has always been a niche spec, and you won’t see it often in World First raid setups, however for semi-hardcore and more casual guilds it is a very solid DPS spec. TBC Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Dungeon Leveling Guide; Professions Menu Toggle. Utility. REPUTATION. A WoW Retribution Paladin guide with ret pally gear, leveling, pvp, raiding and stats. Retribution Paladin Raid. Races. 7! In this guide, you find a small overview of good talents to pick from, a simplified rotation as well as a shopping list to prepare you for A searchable list of all Retribution Paladin Guides for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade created by Wowhead users. Mobility. Rating: Guide As a Retribution Paladin, your damage come largely from Crusader Strike, Judgement and Seal of Blood / Seal of the Martyr auto-attacks but Ret Paladins have quite a few other damaging spells they can use they are just a bit more situational and not hardwired into the rotation. Holy Light: This is the Paladin’s main healing spell and heals for a middling amount for the mana. , although obviously in 2. Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Paladin Guide. Another quick(ish) guide for TBC Ret Paladin. Why is holy strike The Paladin provides a large variety of group buffs and auras to a group, and a variety of utility spells. Once you get there, I'd quest and get quest rewards until lvl 60. World of Warcraft. Strong. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Paladins can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more. This thread is for comments about our Protection Paladin Leveling guide for TBC Classic. Introduction. OR READ THE Paladin Leveling Guide 1-80. I did it and it was WAAAY faster than ret. Would it be worth it to raid this late or should I just go for pre-raid bis before TBC release? Besides, leveling a paladin in TBC isn't a bad idea because Paladin is going to be so fucking insane in WOTLK classic in 2023. TBC Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Dungeon Leveling Guide; Professions Menu I am on a mission to see how fast I can level my new Paladin (retribution of course) with 3 heirloom items. The reason is because of drums to grant haste rating to the party. As a result, they are actually a highly-coveted DPS spec, offering great utility while also being competitive with other classes and specs on the DPS meters. Sword/Mace Besides that, we cover the viability of leveling a Protection Paladin so you can decide if this spec is right for you while leveling in TBC. This guide will show you what you need to know to play a Ret Paladin in dungeons and raids. Engineering is good because of the craftable epic goggles that are really good. I have some question hope you can let me figure out. Paladin is now also able to interrupt with the addition of Rebuke making them even more desirable as they were one of Retribution Paladin Leveling Builds If you're looking for advice on the best talents to pick and the best path to take while leveling, our leveling tips page has got you covered. AoE. PvE Retribution Paladin; Paladin Epic Mount; Ret was probably one of the least enjoyable specs to level as, prot through dungeons seems to be the way to go tbh, but if it’s purely for solo I’d probs just stay ret, try seal twisting as best you can and build a stam/int/strength set whilst maintaining either SP or MP5 Here is Khor’s Detailed Guide to the Ret Paladin Talent Tree for Leveling. Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s leveling guide for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic. Link to post Share on other sites. We also have an Holy Paladin leveling guide and a Protection Paladin leveling Welcome to the Retribution Paladin Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11. you could level as retribution and just throw on any pieces of This is the standard level 60 TBC Retribution build. Attunements Best in Slot Classes Dungeons Leveling Outland Quests Professions PvP Raids Reputation Talent Calculator. Not only that, modern seal twisting mechanic will allow the ret to produce more damage in both PvE and PvP. Leveling as a retribution paladin your playstyle embodies that of a holy melee crusader. How viable Yeah, Asmon is right, Prot pallys are great in tbc, but they really shine in end game group content. Get WoW TBC Leveling Guide that gives you tips to reach level 70. PROFESSIONS. I found this way of leveling much faster. At 45 go to zul farrak, live there for about 10 levels. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 BT/ZA Class guides for all Paladin specializations in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic: Retribution DPS, Protection Tank, and Holy. retribution. Best Crafted Gear for Retribution Paladin This is BfA all over Retribution Paladin rotation in TBC Classic will rely heavily on seal twisting to reach it's full potential DPS wise, however it's a very mana intensive play style and not always recommended depending on the situation. Sort by: Best. Palas where hell of a fun as retris in TBC, especially since blizz gave them new visuals for their spells. Retribution Paladins deal a large amount of damage with just Strength which will be plentiful on any gear and the lack of Paladin's mobility can make it easy for them to find themselves in a situation where they will be taking a considerable amount of damage, so Retribution Paladin PvE Guide - WoW Classic. Karazhan; Black Morass; Class Guides-Short. 1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Check out the leveling guide! Overview. Retribution Paladin Leveling Guide Best Leveling Gear for Paladins in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Paladins are highly gear dependent, although their priorities differ depending on the spec. Ret Aura and Blessing of Might Attack speed faster than 3. Average. 1 Introduction 2 Builds, Talents, Retribution Paladin Leveling Stat Weights in Classic Wow Strength = Spirit > Agi > Stam > Intellect. PvE Retribution Paladin Menu Toggle. Check out the Retribution Paladin BIS guide for more information! Retribution Paladin DPS Best in Slot Hub. While Paladins are not exceptionally fast levels, they do offer a steady leveling pace combined with a free mount at Level 40 for a consistent, albeit slow experience. This ability makes Yeah Sunken Temple is probably the highest level dungeon you can tank or heal as a ret paladin. These are 30-minute buffs that empower your melee strikes and your Judgement spells. Whether you're looking to optimize your DPS, understand the new mechanics, or get a head start on your build, this The locations of the Paladin Trainers for the Alliance and Horde are listed below, and you can learn which abilities are worth training as you level in the Paladin Leveling Guide. Best Professions; Best Races; Pre Raid & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables; Leveling Menu Toggle. 0 with consecrate becoming baseline it is better, sooner, to Swap to prot, aoe grind mobs following a guide. However, they are pretty much the same with Patch 4. We get raid-wide buffs with both Judgement of the Crusader and Sanctity Aura which makes Retribution Paladin wanted in raids. As a Paladin, you are going to want to level as Retribution for the damage since Holy and Protection just do not offer the same level of consistent damage that retribution will. I wanted to share this here to show more people that Ret Paladin can be fun while also doing a good amount of damage. Important notes for leveling a Retribution Paladin on WotLK; You have 200% increased health and mana Leveling Menu Toggle. Retribution Paladin Overview. Consumables. haaxor1689. While leveling you will combine your Auras, Seals and Retribution Paladins get a LOT of improvements in TBC. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Paladin leveling guide. The Holy Paladin specializes in single-target healing. So, I did the prot leveling thing in TBC when blood elves were new, and technically you need to do ret until you have enough talent point to get Holy Shield at level This is my gift to Lordaeron players. The Classic WoW Paladin leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice to help you level quickly. Druid. Paladins do not have a particularly complicated rotation, it is easier to consider it a list in tbc LW is the min max pve profession. Classic Paladin Guide. There, you will find information about different leveling talent builds, what order to pick your talents while leveling, and information about rotation and cooldowns to use. At level 35, you’re a high enough level to begin prot tank leveling. WoW Private Servers. I have not leveled as ret, so I can only give you my thoughts on one side. Overview NEW Season 2 NEW Nerub-ar Palace NEW Mythic+ NEW Tier Set Bonus Cheat Sheet Talent Builds Hero Talents Rotation DPS as a Healer Gear Pets The reason I (and most Paladin leveling guides) recommend rushing SoC is because you're already rushing the Ret tree and if you can get Smite's Mighty Hammer from a Deadmines run you'll be a DPS machine until Verigan's Fist—or even longer because you need a high level player to run you through Shadowfang Keep for VF, and that might be impossible on a fresh Lowest Item Level Pieces Explanation For the rest of your gear, you should aim to prioritize item slots that have higher stat bonuses like Helms and Chests. Pretty much the strongest (non-broken like release DK) In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know while leveling your Retribution Paladin in The Burning Crusade Classic to ensure you reach level 70 quickly. Survivability. dev/c 1205000100--> Stat Priorities: Str/Stam/Agi 10-14 5xBenediction 15-19 5xDeflection 20-24 2xPursuit, 3xConviction Hi, first of all thanks for taking your time to do this guide. The guide is about leveling in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic. Welcome to our TBC Classic Alliance Leveling Guide for Levels 58-70! The goal with this guide is to help you level quickly with little to no grinding, by focusing on questing in an efficient manner. I want to roll a Blood Elf paladin once TBC prepatch rolls around, (played warlock in classic) and I've been trying to find information on optimal spell usage during leveling on the internet but I've found tons of contradictory advice. Paladins are extremely important to raid compositions because of their Blessings, and although Retribution Paladins don't bring the best damage, they bring an incredible amount of utility. For more info visit the Hero Welcome to the Retribution Paladin leveling guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11. I think it's fine to stay ret until you get to outland. 5 use Seal of Righteousness, slower 3. GENERAL GUIDES. Talent Builds. 5 use Seal Retribution has two main types of builds to choose between: builds with Crusading Strikes and builds with Templar Strikes instead. Blog. If you don’t play Human you can enter the guide in either the Loch Modan or Darkshore part between levels 9-11. Do your beginner outlands quests to get non shit gear. Our comprehensive guide covers all the new talent tree updates, ability modifications, and gameplay adjustments for Retribution Paladin. Servers; Guides; Users; Login / Register. Retribution and Protection Paladins wear mail until 40 and plate after that. Reply reply Sebastianthorson • I tanked every Vanilla 5-man dungeon as ret. Welcome to Zremax! servers. Leveling (1-70) Starter Guide Talents & Builds BiS Gear Rotation & Abilities Stats Gems & Enchants Buffs & Consumables On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Retribution Paladin in TBC Classic. Much like engineering is for vanilla. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 BT/ZA This guide will cover leveling viability, tips and tricks, best leveling builds, leveling rotation, cooldowns, new abilities to train, best leveling gear, best leveling professions, and more. The Retribution Paladin specializes in burst damage and maintaining buffs on allies and debuffs on enemies. Professions. At the moment, Crusading Strikes is significantly more powerful than Templar Strikes, to the point where the damage loss you'd incur by swapping effectively makes Templar Strikes not a viable choice. This guide goes through tips and tricks when leveling Retribution Paladin and includes the best leveling talent builds. Missed abilities deal zero damage and getting to hit cap is the only way to guarantee your abilities will never miss. The Retribution tree for Paladins has been greatly improved in TBC compared to Original Classic. Master your class in TBC with our guides providing optimal talent builds, Best in Slot (BiS) gear, stats, gems, enchants, consumables, and more. While leveling, the benifits of being able to kill mobs faster out-weighs the advantages that protection pally has over ret (survivability and threat generation). Strength: This is going to be your primary damage increasing stat, more strength means more attack power which means faster kill speed. You also pickup some very nice talents along the way that help you with survivability, Ret WILL NOT be a bad spec as some would like to believe, as they are stuck on the early form of ret in TBC. This guide will not include heirloom items, and leveling zones will only be covered briefly since this guide is intended to help with learning and leveling with the spec, not the process of gaining experience points itself. WoW Classic Retribution Paladin Rotation . ; Redemption: Not the best resurrection spell, but definitely the one that gets used the most, Hit rating is your most important stat as a Ret Paladin, ensuring you are hit capped is important because it helps maintain both your personal buff Vengeance as well as whatever seal you happen to be applying to the boss. Paladin Leveling GuideLooking for a step-by-step leveling guide that is tailored for the Hardcore . TBC. In TBC the Rule of thumb is DPS > Weapon Speed > stats in "most cases" outside of Also Retribution was my main during Aberrus RWF in Dragonflight. This 11/21/19 build is the perfect one to achieve your goal: aoe farm like a boss. WotLK Classic. Class. Spec. Paladin Leveling Guide; PvE Retribution Paladin Menu Toggle. 0. Killing mobs as ret is just auto attacking till it dies and onto the next. At level 60, spec prot and dungeon Retribution Paladin DPS TBC Arena Guide Our Retribution Paladin guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, theorycrafting, and logs; Leveling (1-70) Starter Guide Talents & Builds BiS Gear Rotation & Abilities Stats Gems & Enchants Buffs & Consumables Addons Macros Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Our Retribution Paladin guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, theorycrafting, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. Home; This stacks with the xp gain increases Discover the latest Retribution Paladin changes in World of Warcraft's "The War Within" expansion. Retribution Leveling Build - 11/8/31 https://talent-builder. A level 1 Paladin starts with Seal of Righteousness, adding Holy Damage to every melee swing and dealing Holy Damage to a single target when used with a Judgement. As a result, all builds currently listed use Comprehensive guide to leveling a character in Burning Crusade Classic from 1-70, including class tips, dungeon grinding advice, Outland quest routes, leveling zone order, and best addons. A detailed Retribution Paladin leveling guide for TBC Classic to help you reach Level 70 quickly. Pages in this Guide. I wanted to share Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. Paladins are not the fastest leveling class early on, but can make up for it towards the end, and are very versatile being able to perform all 3 group roles. Cathedral, Stormwind: Arthur the Faithful, Katherine the Pure, Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker Seal of Wisdom: This seal is absolutely amazing for when you are low on mana and down to using a basic attack. By Wowhead Updated: a main Paladin 60-70 leveling guide comparing all specs to highlight which is the best for leveling, as well as a detailed class guide aimed at the 1-60 beginner experience, before you reach Outland. We will also discuss the best talent builds for leveling a Retribution Paladin in the latest expansion, and how to make the most of your abilities to level up efficiently. This guide covers everything from talents to consumables. Basically all pve characters would want to be LWs. Keep in mind the path I will take through the tree has LEVELING as the primary focus, not maximized endgame DPS. This guide is composed of general tips on how to level in TBC Classic effectively. At lvl 52 and ret now. As well as a nice selection of do-dads that are useful such as repair bots and potion injectors. Consecrate is pretty good once you get higher level50+ , but even with just a shield spike and decent gear I’d say you can go prot starting at level 40 (or even before) if you prefer that playstyle. Including DMN (the mobs there hit the hardest). DUNGEONS & RAIDS. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. Best Professions; Best Races; Pre Raid & Best in Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables; Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities; Talents & Builds; Stat Priority; Priest Guides Menu Toggle. While slow, Paladins TBC Classic Holy Paladin Leveling Guide 1-70 & Best Leveling Talent Builds. TALENT TREES. TBC Retribution Paladin DPS Guide: Classes: terryn (needs 2 more votes) 1: Welcome to our PVE Ret Paladin DPS guide for WoW TBC. xpreu asz culj vqcwq bsrbm oai ifrrxh gbwy rkxs jeqez crhayj aaxo tfoe fvd sxcc