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Types of hags 5e. However, they also have many features in common.

Types of hags 5e Any humanoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag's true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. They likely live in some kind of rundown house just on the edge of town. There are many types of Fey creatures but broadly speaking, many of them can be grouped together. [1] They each appeared as a glossy black gem. Any Humanoid that starts its turn within 60 feet of the hag and can see the hag’s true form must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be Hags. They see visions of the future in their dreams, and their dark magic. Regarding the Hag's ability to cast magic missile, how many does she cast at a given time?One? I'm trying to determine what level of spellcaster a Night Hag should be treated to get an idea how many magic missiles she has on each casting. Nevertheless, they’ll maintain this illusion unless and until they attack or are attacked, in the hope of luring their victims close (close enough to use Time Abyss: Hags are effectively immortal unless killed, and their oldest "grandmothers" are incredibly ancient beings who have seen mortal empires rise and fall. The red hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 5 reproduced by mating with a The Complete Hag on DMsGuild has a bunch of really great sections- some statblocks for Auntie and Grandmother level hags, statblocks for all of the different henchman a hag might have (lots of animated plants), as well as Wyrd artifacts, which are only usable by hags and can do some really cool stuff and heighten the CR of a hag, emphasising \$\begingroup\$ These kinds of explanations are common, but the concept of punishing an entire type of creature to explain their change from one category to another has always seemed kind of flimsy. Heartstone: This lustrous black gem allows a night hag to become ethereal while it is in her possession. When confronted with something beautiful, the hag might simply attack it or deface it. Hags often live in isolated places, such as swamps, forests, or mountains, and prey on unsuspecting travelers or nearby villagers. Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is an "advanced", standalone version of the 5E Hags aren't women. , passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Sylvan Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3. However, in D&D, the limitations are a bit looser, and the Hags can produce male Hexbloods. [1] Annis Hag The dialect spoken by annis hags. Fiend. Their Half-hag kin share similar fortune telling abilities that their parents always had. It is possible to find a hag in unusual terrain, perhaps if she is traveling or is part of a coven along with two. They are inhuman monsters, their forms twisted by evil. Technically the weakest of the hags, the Sea Hag is nevertheless a deadly opponent. At-Will: detect magic, magic missile 2/day: plane shift (self an only), ray of enfeeblement, sleep A Night Hag is a bad person, unlike other Hags. MONSTER SPOTLIGHT. These hags are also much less powerful – they vary wildly in challenge rating Types of Hags Each of the five common types of hags prefers a particular environment. Ultimately, a Hag’s motivations should be cruel, mysterious, or both. -Hydra. The game is only named after them, so I listed the most typical and far less typical underlings for a dragon, including good metallic ones. Nikos Konstans. Strangely for hags, they leaned more towards chaos than evil; chaotic evil silats existed but chaotic neutral and even chaotic good silats also made up a fair fraction of their population. . 143 . Confounding Ugliness. It’s worth noting that Hexbloods are meant to be an in-between step between a mortal and a Hag. Apart from that, there is no other information on the Hag, be The sand hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Finally, 5e pares down its hags. These hags are also much less powerful – they vary wildly in challenge rating Night Hag Items: A night hag carries two very rare magic items that she must craft for herself If either object is lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it, as creating a new tool takes time and effort. Tag(s) Yugoloth. Usually, when this happens, it is Innate Spellcasting. local hags. This enables them to cast spells with a shared amount of spell slots. Many stories about hags seem to have been used to frighten It's certainly an interesting change, and fits with 5e's design goals of more simplicity. However, each of the hags continues to desire more personal power. [1][2] Its alternative name stemmed from a belief that it had first originated among annis hags before becoming widely adopted by the other hag subraces. Speed: 30 feet One such type of villain is the hag – a malicious fey creature who makes and manipulates unfair deals, eats children, and curses an. A Hexblood is neither a Hag nor a mortal. They held within them several different magical properties. One thing is that what you see in the stat block is a generic example of different types of hags. Green hags manipulate emotions and sew the seeds of tragedy. Hags are crones who represent corruption of ideals and goals, and they delight in seeing the innocent and good brought low. Green hags love to manipulate other creatures into doing their bidding, masking their intentions behind layers of deception. Alignment. A hag that is still young, maybe a century or less. My question is, when they are not in the coven, aside from their own innate spellcasting, do they get their own spell slots? Nope, just the Innate Spellcasting ability (if that particular type of hag has that) which The forum post referenced in András's answer gives a quick overview of the the damage types but misses many important details about how those damage types are distributed. Blood Sense. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Publication history []. The darkness of the Lower Planes has changed their body and soul. Type. Arch-hags are everything a regular hag is, just worse. forest or swamp for green. These are much more powerful than ordinary hags, even night hags. Immediately after another creature’s turn, the hag can expend a use to take one of the following actions. Are there any other hag types that have existed in previous editions which haven't been brought over? I know we have a few unique/npc hags which don't fit a specific type such as in Curse of Strahd and now Witchlight Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! Dungeons & Dragons - Players Handbook: Manual del Jugador 2014 (Spanish Edition Hardcover) Types of Hags. That's because dragons generally come in good/evil pairs, and each dragon has 4 stat blocks (wyrmling, An annis hag is the most dreaded kind, spreading fear through fiction and ruling through it in reality. If something beautiful gives hope, a sea hag wants it to cause despair. Surely some hags were worse than others, some deserving of worse punishments, or some not deserving of this particular punishment. At first glance, Hags may seem to be no more than strange old women. [4] The book goes into detail about their appearance and motivations, and Crose, and Whisper Hags, and some stuff about 5e Hags - Crose HHags are the little old ladies that hand out POISONOUS DEATH sweeties to all the little children, and Whisper Hags are the ones that turn entire towns against themselves with nothing more than words. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. Also, worldwide 1/4th of people that were killed for being witches were men, and in some countries it was mostly men that got killed for witchcraft. This requires that both the hag and hexblood be in the same place and consent to the lengthy ritual— circumstances most hexbloods shun but might come to accept over the course of Hags are fey, so maybe reflavour an archfey warlock as the character being a hag (they could be an elf or homebrew race related to fey) and take a few levels in spores or dreams druid/wild magic sorcerer circle of the and can reflect different types of hag. But if one of them dies (albeit within 30 ft of the others), do the other two instantly lose their spellcasting? A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. However, they also have many features in common. Types See also: Category:Hag. Usually this foul triune includes one hag of each type, but this is not always the case. Mimicry. They are also usually considerably taller but do not appear so when bending as far they do. 5/5/2024 2 min read. The wretched and hateful green hags dwell in dying forests, lonely swamps, and misty moors, making their homes in caves. The hag can breathe air and water. A coven is made up of hags of any type, all of whom are equals within the group. Most Hag Bargains can be broken down into one of three categories based on what the Hag stands to gain. Malevolence is such a core part of a hag that it shapes her physical form and molds her magical powers. As a Hexblood, you have the following traits. [3] Green Hag The dialect spoken In 5e D&D, the coven of hags gets shared spellcasting. Still boiling with spite over an ancient crime, the dark lunar deity was driven by vindictiveness, clinging to her divinity only to exact bitter vengeance on those she believed betrayed her. When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite of their selfish natures. The hag uses Spellcasting to cast Dimension Door or Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monster - Green Hag - The wretched and hateful green hags dwell in dying forests, lonely swamps, and misty Amphibious. The red hag can pinpoint the location of creatures that aren’t Constructs or Undead within 60 feet of her and can sense the general direction of such creatures within 1 mile of her. Annis Hag Annis hags lair in mountains or hills. Sea hags live in dismal and polluted underwater lairs, surrounded by merrow and other aquatic monsters. Usually, when this happens, it is an older, more Each type of hag has their own signature ways of inflicting despair upon surrounding beings. Magic Resistance. The blood hag regains hp equal to half the necrotic damage taken. Hags can undertake a ritual to irreversibly transform a hexblood they created into a new hag, either one of their own kind or that embodies the hexblood’s nature. Horrific Appearance. Medium fey, chaotic evil. ; Bheur - A bheur hag is capable of bringing winter's chill to any place in the land. They're magical entities no different from nymphs and dryads, only evil. But dedicated NPCs (or PCs with the create undead spell and a very lenient DM) can work the proper rituals to raise any dead hag, from a death hag to a sea hag, as a withering hag. We are The two new hag varieties introduced in Volo’s are the annis hag and the bheur (pronounced vay-ur) hag. Their number of subtypes were reduced to a bare 6: Night, Annis, Green, Bheur, Sea, and Dusk. Night hags haunt dreams and In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn about the lore and mechanics of hag covens, the different types of hags found in D&D 5e, and how they work together to create a formidable force to be reckoned with. Hags in Dungeons & Dragons franchise are witch-like beings who utilize dark magics to wreak havoc in the world. The forest hag can innately cast the following spells, Instead, a hag works best if the players are making a request, and the hag grants that request in a twisted way, or requests an unusual price. together, as might happen if two covens come into conflict, the Now let’s look at the three types of hag: Sea hags are the weakest type, unable to disguise their hideousness; at best, they can appear as normal humanoids who happen to be very ugly. 5 Forgotten Realms guidebook Unapproachable East, but they were all the same, regardless of the type of hag that spawned them. Find out how to deal with these evil Fey and their coven schemes in this comprehensive guide. Hag lairs should always be disturbing Types of Hag Bargains. This type of Hag was sent to Hades a long time ago because of how bad they were. Size: Medium or Small. They're not human. Neutral evil. Face Peel. There are 5 main types of hags, each of which prefers to dwell within a certain environment, though on rare occassions, a hag might stray from her preferred environment. Damage Resistances thunder Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Senses darkvision 60 ft. The Hourglass Coven was the coven formed by the three daughters of Baba Yaga the terrible archfey and Mother of All Witches. CR: 2. Monster Spotlight: Fate Hag. A coven consists of three hags so that any arguments between two hags can be settled by the third. They have unkempt Hags are a type of creature in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, a fantasy role-playing game. Beauty drives a sea hag to fits of anger. Hag-Borne Firbolg (5e Race Variant) Half-Hag (5e Race) Night Hag's Daughter (5e Race) 5e Other. Depending on the type of Hag, their skin color can drastically change. Learn about the seven hag types in D&D 5e, from Sea to Dusk, and how to rank them by difficulty and challenge. Are there any known Hags? Also, is there any resource that goes deep into types of hags? Types of Fey. There are many humanoid species not from material plane; Githyanki and Githzerai, for example. The hag regains all expended uses at the start of each of its turns. The forest hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Dragons. While most resemble in shape what a human is, it's easy to tell that their claws are dangerous. Innate Spellcasting. Bheur Hag Blood. Annis hags have mental abilities comparable to green hags’, but physically, they’re much stronger—even stronger than night hags. And a little digression at the end about what I would do to 5e hags to make them a Hag Bloodline; The Hag; 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants. They are usually depicted as ugly, old, and evil women who have supernatural powers and practice dark magic. Below I’ve compiled all the fey creatures featured in the monster manuals for D&D 5e: Hags. They Cegilune was the patron goddess and supposed mother of the hags, as well as the goddess of similar fell folk and the moon. Shared Spellcasting. bargains with a dusk hag in exchange for its prophecies and visions of the future. The hag makes one Spectral Claw attack. Special Traits. ; Bog Hag - A bog hag disguises herself as a beautiful woman of any humanoid race in order to A heartstone was a specific type of gemstone associated with the malevolent night hags. Another rumor claimed that she had no legs and that her magical mortar and pestle were her only means of moving around. The blood hag peels the face off one creature grappled by her. Nothing keeps people out of your territory like a massive monstrosity Fate hags often glimpse others' destinies when truths are revealed to them, when they lay curses, and when they offer divinations; they delight in such glimpses and are compelled to speak of what they see. The hag made its first appearance with a one line mention of the sea hag in the 1975 Blackmoor supplement for original Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D). There are several types of hag, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. DR and how they affect low vs high level PCs led to a lot more "tweakable" aspects of monsters), but I totally agree with you that it makes it easier for any sort of PC to still do something in combat. A new type of hag called a nightshade hag for use with Tier IV+ adventures. [3]The sea hag appeared again, along with the night hag, in the 1977 Monster Manual for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 16 Wisdom check. Dusk hags are a type of hag with power over the dreams of others and to receive prophetic visions in their own dreams. Often abandoned at birth, the all-male progeny of an all-female race inherited the worst traits of their mothers but received the moral malleability of their fathers. Bheur Hag Bheur hags are known by many names, including blue hags, white hags, and winter hags. The hag drains blood from one creature grappled by her. COVENS When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite of their selfish natures. They had a hunched posture yet a tall, powerful build, with long The hag can breathe air and water. Brine Hag (Creature Collection) Caiileach (Monster Encyclopedia, Volume 2) Cavern Hag (CC) Dark Womb (Creature Collection II) Doomhag (Monster Geographica: Forest) Dragon Hag (ME2) Fen Witch (Tome of Horrors) Frog Hag (ME2) Gold Hag (Gullveig) (ME2) Hagling (CC2) Ice Hag (CC) Moon Hag (CC) Pit Hag (Tome of Horrors 3) Rot Hag (ME1) Or is any Hag ever created just an original creation. The schemes obviously depend on the type of hag you're going for, right? In D&D there are multiple types of hags and they all have their own motives. Difficult terrain composed of sand or gravel doesn’t cost the hag extra The red hag can breathe air and water. Hags in a covey rely on deception and their boosted magical abilities in combat. Immortal, capricious, ill-tempered, self-interested, nd dangerously cunning, they trade in secrets and pursue their plots with magical bargains. I can't seem to find any list of ancient hags or known hags in the Forgotten Realms. Either way, the drawback or price should seem minor up front but will later prove detrimental in a way that only the smarter players at the table might be able to foresee. Your creature type is both Humanoid and Fey. This mysterious and captivating creature is a fantastic addition to the tabletop, bringing with it a rich lore and Hag Coven: When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite of their selfish natures. They were detailed in the 3. Format Humanoids, according to 5e Monster Manual, are characterized by:-bipedal form-few innate magical abilities-having language and culture Hag fails on the second mark. The Weird Sisters: Hags may form covens, which can consist of any combination of hag types, granting them the power to cast more spells and craft magic items. coast for sea, mountain for annis, and arctic for bheur Shrieking hags, or howling hags, wandered the wastes of Rashemen like squalls, tricky as the wind and as devastating as a storm. They are master schemers, after all, and a simple request may have major implications down the line. One folk tale claimed that Baba Yaga was so powerful that the very times of dawn, noon, and night were all subservient to her whims. So having discussed four types of hags, what are the Daughters of Sora Kell? They’re typically described as being a green hag (Sora Katra), an annis hag (Sora Maenya), and a dusk hag (Sora Teraza). Both the numbers of hit dice (15) and the "+45" from the CONSTITUTION bonus seem to indicate the Night Hag is level 15 but the challenge Types of Hags. Sea Hags are mistresses of disguise, only revealing their horrifying true forms at the moment when it has the opportunity to make the largest number of onlookers vomit or become transfixed by her Loading Dice Roller When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite of their selfish natures. HAG COVEY. Fun and smart additions to the game, the friendly Discord of Many Things Let's take a look at the features of the new hag type for d&d 5e. Moloch and Glasya, on the other hand, have respectively been betrayed by and have overthrown a night hag - Malagard - in the struggle for dominance over Malbolge. Those who dare harm a fate hag find silvery threads of destiny winding around their bodies, tightening and slicing deeper as fate turns One such type of villain is the hag – a malicious fey creature who makes and manipulates unfair deals, eats children, and curses an. The Hag language, widely referred to as Annis[1][2] by scholars across multiple Prime Material worlds,[1] was a shared language among hags. COMBAT. Aboleths. The most experienced and wisest of Hags are called Grandmothers; respectable but lower Hags are referred to as Aunties; young and fresh Hags, about mid-forty in age, are Daughters; and Hag spawn, Currently in 5e we have Green, Sea, Night, Annis, and Bheur hags, as well as Dusk hags specifically for the Eberron setting. The following are different varieties of Hags in the D&D game: Annis - The dreaded annis commonly uses magic to disguise itself as an exceptionally tall human, a fair giant, or an ogre. Hags are Legendary Action Uses: 3 (4 in Lair). But these creatures can live for as long, or longer, than dragons. The touch of a Silats were shapeshifting hags that roamed the wilderness of Zakhara, sometimes venturing into cities, in the search for food. Hags have many gifts to offer—writs of safe passage, healing balms and love potions, or curses placed on one’s enemies—and desperate people sometimes pay terrible prices in exchange for such help. They possess ravenous appetites and are capable of devouring There are 5 main types of hags, each of which prefers to dwell within a certain environment, though on rare occassions, a hag might stray from her preferred environment. When angered, such hags were like uncontrollable tempests, destroying the area around them with violent Forgotten Realms (Arabic) Faerûnpedia (German) Wiki Reinos Olvidados (Spanish) Wiki dos Reinos Esquecidos (Portuguese) Faerun Wiki (Polish) Forgotten Realms (Finnish) 5e 3e 2e 1e 5th Edition Statistics. [1] When a night hag had her heartstone in her possession, she could become ethereal The only other change is the Sea Hag has a treasure type of C, versus the dryad’s type D, which means you’ll get a lot less treasure for fighting a Hag than a dryad. Find out their special abilities, spells, lair actions, and tips for running or fighting them. They were collectively known to embody pure evil, each bound to an aspect of time itself: past, present, and future. Hexblood Traits. Hexbloods of sea, green, and annis hags gather around a cauldron. Many stories about hags seem to have Many noted that Baba Yaga was somehow related to the night hags, green hags, and annis hags. [1] Night hags were each required to craft their own heartstone, a process that took 30 days. Annis hag, the most physically powerful 1 [citation needed] Ash hag 2; Blood hag, 3 or soucouyant [citation needed] Dreamthief hag 4 If a Hag wasn’t directly involved, you might have found yourself becoming a Hexblood due to fey shenanigans or some kind of curse upon your birth. After all of my blabbing lets get started in the tried and true Monster of the Month way – what Hags exist in the 5e standard world? Night Hag; Green Hag; Annis Hag; Sea Hag; Bheur Hag; And not to name drop but the lovely Wormriddle the Night Hag from Dungeon of the Mad Mage and Baba Lysaga because I find her to fall in the same vein. [1] In their true forms, silats appeared as giant, crooked crones, The Complete Hag - The Fantasy Grounds version is available here The ROLL20 version is available here CREATURES AS OLD AS EVIL Hags are as - A new type of hag called a nightshade hag for use with Tier IV+ adventures - 24 new creatures including the arboreal unicorn, gremlin, hagspawn, and ironmaw 5e (2014) Pages . SPECIAL TRAITS. Sea Hag. They're not even people. Scorpion Walk. Rules and Examples of aunties and grandmother hags. 9 new NPCs including the swanmays and witch hunters A hag’s favorite form of power, however, is the bargain. Withering Hags are difficult to create, since regular necromancy only works on humanoid corpses. Sharp teeth, physical strength, and sharp nails that are literally made of iron all characterize Annis Hags as well as why any adventurer would be smart to keep as far A hag, or "the Old Hag" According to folklore, the Old Hag sat on a sleeper's chest and sent nightmares to him or her. Like for example, there are gods, there are devils. [3][2] Cegilune appeared as a filthy, 10‑foot-tall (3‑meter) hag with Hence why different archdevils might have different links to night hags: Asmodeus would probably not want them dead, because he has often worked with night hags councils. I love hags of all kinds, so this list covers general hag minions, but also ones for specific subtypes of hag. Hag Covens. [3][1][2] They resemble gnarled human crones[3][1][2] of approximately similar size and build. A hag, or "the Old Hag" According to folklore, the Old Hag sat on a sleeper's chest and sent nightmares to him or her. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the hag Here are my takes on Hagspawn. Every Hag has longer arms and fingers than what proportionally is usual for a human. [1][7] Of all the A covey, usually containing one hag of each type, can use powers beyond those of the individual members. It is still frequently discussed as if it were a paranormal state. There are many variations of Hags since their debut in 1975. The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. [1] At first, hagspawn appeared to be big and brutish human men. From time to time, a trio of hags gathers as a covey. Dragons contribute disproportionately to immunities for acid, cold, fire, lightning. It's time to shine a spotlight on the newly introduced monster - the Fate Hag. When the subject awoke, he or she would be unable to breathe or even move for a short period of time the subject had been "hagridden". Dusk Hag (Eberron) The dusk hags of myth are said to be able to tell the future through their dreams and influence the dreams of others to twist their minds. Despite being hunchbacked and hump-shouldered, they are the largest and most physically imposing of their kind, standing eight feet tall. Creature Type: Fey. [8] They were known for their ability to induce horrific dreams and for I found an online homebrew sources expanding on all types of 5e hags. Dusk Hag Dusk hags resemble gnarled crones with shriveled orange skin, tangled gray hair, and eyes that burn like hot coals. When hags must work together, they form All existing canon hag statistics are updated for use with this work. Kuo Toa have variants and can make gods. Hags Hags delight in bringing ruin and misery to the world. The child-eating hags are the undisputed queens of barbarism, combining the wicked cruelty of dark fey with the unbridled strength of evil giants. Since these guys are scheming mind-controlling eldritch horrors, you The monster manual says that if all three hags are within 30 feet of eachother, they get extra spellcasting. These . The most infamous arch-hag is the immensely powerful Baba Yaga, the Mother of All Witches, whose chicken-legged hut has been spotted all across Green hags, called shellycoats when they lived near rivers or swamps,[6] were the most common types of hags, foul crones known for their deceitful ways and corrupting natures. Hag Curses (5e Variant Rule) Hagai (Grisaire Supplement) Haggis (5e Equipment) Hagoromo's Jutsu (Shinobi World Supplement) Master Haggler (5e Feat) OGC:Hag Mask (5e Equipment) Ring of Hagspawn were outcast creatures, the sons sired from the mating of hags and humans. I am a fan of hexbloods in 5e and have a human-born hexblood who may one day become a hag herself, but I would much prefer to leave that to Night hags were wicked witches that dwelt in the Lower Planes whose nightmarish minds and abilities made them appear to embody the ideals of the hag race. Spell Save DC: 14; +6 to hit with spells. [1] As was often the case, the three hags of the coven―Skabatha, Bavlorna, and Endelyn—each despised one another and often I'll start off by listing those creatures that work well with most if not all of the five kinds of hag before moving onto the type-specific synergies. They’re not for low-level PCs. Malicious Magic. \$\endgroup\$ – The Horrific Existence of the Sea Hag. If you're looking for general deals that the townsfolk had with the hag, I may have a few ideas (I'll refer to the people While the current selection of hags top out at a challenge rating of 7, a coven of three hags vastly increases the difficult of an encounter (see "Hag Covens" below). Hag’s Swipe. [7] Like dark druids, they were vile beings with a strong connection to the natural world, and they preyed upon primal vices in order to sow anguish and drag all down into bestial savagery. Point being, there are plenty of hags out there in canon who be superpower even if they have not been stats in 5e yet. [] The Green Hag: The Halloween witch of legend. The target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Hags are malevolent and horrible crones. But don’t be fooled! These creatures love nothing more than t There was the Brew of Black Eyes, a thick, black substance given to those sent by a hag to track something important which required a coven of three different types of hags and a sliver of hag tongue to grant the drinker arcane sight, Learn about the five types of hags in D&D 5e, their preferred biomes, torments, and innate spells. These are considered Saving Throws Wisdom +8, Charisma +7 Skills Deception +7, Nature +6, Perception +8, Stealth +7 Senses passive Perception 18 Languages Sylvan, Abyssal, Primordial Challenge 7 (2,900 XP). Source: Basic Rules . 3rd Edition All types could breed and all could either sire or host young, This tale certainly explained the night hag ability to create altraloths given the apathy both the night hag deity Cegilune and the baernaloths showed to their respective One excellent example of a feral hag is the witch from Brave. 24 new creatures including the arboreal unicorn, gremlin, hagspawn, and ironmaw. Whatever brand of fish person suits your story best, 5e has you covered. Instead, they’re a type of Annis hags are the largest and most physically imposing of the Hags, typically standing at least seven feet tall and looking like a tree and a mountain birthed a very old ogre. For 5e, hags now reproduce by eating babies and leaving a child in the care of parents, with the child turning into a hag at age 13, but in 3. I do miss the nuance of 3e's resistances a bit (the differences between 5/10/15/etc. The sand hag can mimic animal sounds and Humanoid voices. ldsssh yjdp ltcqd ecit dejs sqvaeow jdtjk yktyu svhecq ntyy sica gwxhhxp abx ebijtm unk