Unequip weapon macro wow classic Classic WOW devs tell Basic guide on WoW Classic Macros with a few broken down examples showing how they work and how to write your own - plus a useful levelling macro Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Table of Macros: Figure out the item ID or copy/paste the item's name if it is not a duplicate, type /m, find the macro on a possibly huge list of macros, find the line you have to change, delete the old item, add in the new item. Open comment sort options. I'm looking for a macro for my rogue in Lich King. For World of Warcraft Classic on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Macro to switch off-handers. 3. Note: Not all macro conditions listed in the guide linked above will function properly in WoW Classic. Macros Auto-Attack Macro #showtooltip /cast Backstab /startattack #showtooltip I'm looking for some kind of hack/keybinding/macro that will help me switch between stances using only one button. it adds the /unequipranged command that For more information on creating macros, including full lists of conditionals, modifiers, and other command customizations you can use, check out our full Macros guide. Other Hi Guys/Gals Is there a way to make a macro to equip/unequip your trinkets? I almost always blow my trinket cooldown applying buffs during the pre-pull prep phase. It will unequip the item, however, I cannot get it to re equip the item. Is Classic rogue weapon switch - WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Loading The goal is to have a macro to switch weapons around seamlessly. I made a simple macro to unequip all items with durability. Return to board index I was trying to make a macro that would take into account when I have a specific weapon equipped, but, so far, it’s not working out for me The item in question is the Pillar of the Drowned Cabal. No idea why but i hardly miss. This simple addon does one thing - it adds the /unequipranged command that can be used with a macro and keybound to remove your ranged weapon. Hello, I am trying to create a macro that switches 2 weapons from slot 3 and 4 in my bag to my MH and OH on my hunter. If you have 16 items or less equiped (ie you don't use ranged, use a 2 hander, and arent worried about your 2 activatible slots (which I don't belive take dammage like the rest of your Is the only way to do weapon swaps with equipment sets or bag slots all tied to multiple bottons/modifiers? Or can one button be used with a macro to cycle though various equipment sets and or bag/slot setups. g. The word is Set, not set. Reply reply Classic WoW Hardcore --- NA Horde 1st C'thun Kill!! --- Death Wish --- Post by Myrroddin You will need to use the built-in equipment manager to create two sets, called Set1 and Set2. Found a pic detailing which number every default action bar slot is. Introduction In this guide, you will find macros for both PvP and PvE that will make your time spent playing a Hunter General WoW Discussion; WoW Classic; WoW Classic TBC; Macros and Addons; Multiboxing Group Composition Discussion; Dungeon Boss Encounters, Strategies, and Loot Lists. Aggiunto in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King So do you use 2 weapon swap macros or something? If you just have all your weapons in 1 macro it will swap to whatever isn't equipped regardless of order. Alternatively, if you just want to switch out your offhand, you could use /equipslot18 [Weapon]; /equipslot18 [Other Weapon] I can't only use /equip because the game wont allow me to swich to the 2 hander if I don't unequip the Relic first. Post by Tyrand You can write a macro using the "/equip" command. samsk530 • /unequip “item name”, and then just change it when we you change gear. r/wow. Is the only way to /unequip name of item, rinse and repeat or is there an /unequip ALL macro? so /unequip ALL and then /equip linen shirt /equip line pants / etc. No matter which weapons I am using this happens. I want this so i can jump off stuff and not get NefHunterHelper addon allows you to use " /unequipranged " in a macro that simply unequips your range weapon. (hard) And if you don't know how to copy/paste item names, you have to type it yourself, matching the original, letter to unequip macro help sacrametal 16 years ago #1 After running pug groups in naxx for the last couple weeks i have found how expensive it can be to repair gear after all the wipes. And a second macro that would equip Bulwark Because NRB don't allow to switch weapons while auto attacking (which is not blizzlike), i write this macro to allow us to unequip bow/gun on the hunter clas call of Nefarian : I want a macro that will unequip all my equipment to certain bag slots, then re-equip all my stuff back to where it should be. What’s not simple, is equippi I kill stuff faster DW vs 2h. Make a macro with this script: /run local f = GetMouseFocus (); if f Can someone write two macros, one that would equip: Warglaive of Azzinoth in main hand and Swiftsteel bludgeon in offhand. I have two of the same weapons I want to equip situationally in PVP for the on hit effect, but be able to requip my main weapons with the same button hopefully. By using the macro-bridge you get all the advantages of the combatQueue in a normal Both seem to take about the same amount of time, and work with one or two hand weapons. I configured it this way so that any loot you may pick up won't get stuck where your shield would go and cause the macro do mess up (unless you fill all of available inventory space, in which case you can't unequip your shield keep it simple. You can chain command files, use multi-line macros, or use aliases, but the client will cut you off at 16 consecutive commands no matter which way you slice it. Less is So this seemingly worked until i realized the final portion of the macro is interrupting the rings channel. The best solution I found was what r/wow. Anyone know how to do this? The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. Old. I have a script to switch to berserker stance and equip two 2H weapons of the same name, but it seems like it only works 70% of the time. Just put all of your alternate gear in the same bag together, and make a macro like: /equip 4 1 /equip 4 2 /equip 4 3 /equip 4 4 /equip 4 5 /equip 4 6 /equip 4 7 /equip 4 8 /equip 4 9 /equip 4 10 /equip 4 11 /equip 4 12 Anyone have some good weapon swap macros to switch from dagger Mainhand to a different weapon on the same macro as hemo Or a dagger macro for ambush Share Sort by: Best. I tried /unequip 1 or /unequipslot 1 and it doesnt work. Advertisement Coins. 4) Classic Patch (1. When you do have a mod key pressed, it will do the same but with Flametongue Weapon. Thanks. Equip using the Unequip Macro command: Unequip - Rt Hand and Lft Hand checked; Delay 0. Top. First you need to identify your UI button for the /click function. See which you like better. Paste in wow /macro as is. The problem is that I can unequip all items into my bags or into my backpack but not all into any empty slot in both. Always has been in wow classic. Some of you might know about the diamond flask and that is stacks with +healing. #showtooltip Defensive Stance /equipslot 16 [name of the one-handed weapon] Classic Patch (1. Close but if one of the daggers are enchanted differently you can use the weapon ID:enchant ID in the macro to differentiate between the two Publication par Myrroddin You will need to use the built-in equipment manager to create two sets, called Set1 and Set2. 9K Downloads | Addons. 5a (WotLK) This addon unequip (swap) your weapons automatically if you are melee and get mind controlled by a variety of bosses, like Lady Deathwhisper, and a lot more, like removing Paladin's RF I was looking at the Alpha changes for Arms Warrior and I was trying to make a macro for Mortal Strike and Shield Slam on the same macro. /equipset Weapons It’s simple to macro weapon swaps from a 2h weapon > 1h weapon / shield. Is there a way to set up a backslash macro to be able to equip and unequip just one item when clicked? It would be very helpful if there was! Thank you! This can be circumvented by using an equipment set: With the weapons equipped, go to the Equipment Manager (third tab of the Character Information flyout) and create a new For hunters, this call will instantly break your ranged weapon rendering it useless until repaired. Browse. Controversial. you usually don’t want to macro shield+1h equip with d stance since you don’t always need a shield in d stance. I have a dagger in offhand, sword in main (sword is a main hand only, so a straight weapon swap doesn't work). and when i say faster i mean 50 to 60% faster. I have tried macros that script but The macro stickie talks about setting up a macro to equip and unequip weapons. 13. WoW Classic (1-60) WoW The Burning Crusade (57-70) WoW Wrath of the Lich King (67-80) WoW Cataclysm (77-85) WoW Mists of Pandaria (85-90) PvP Discussion; Games. Anyone have a macro to switch which weapon is main hand and off hand? I’m running a rogue and it would be nice to switch back to dagger MH for a backstab then switch back to sword MH after. A community discussing The Burning Crusade Classic and will progress into a wrath subreddit in the future. Problem is I’m using ElvUI and none of the action bars seem to correspond with the numbers in the pic and I’m not sure how to do this. WoW WoW. So, I was trying to make a macro that’d do the following: When the weapon is equipped → /use the weapon’s ability, while no modifiers are pressed When the weapon is not The amount of people in this thread that dont play rogue trying to tell rogues they cant remove poison is astounding. None of the methods I On WoW Classic SoD, shaman currently cannot remove a weapon imbue by right clicking the buff, which becomes a problem when you mistakenly press Rockbiter while in a dungeon and are dps with duel-wielding, and clicking flametongue multiple times also does not replace the rockbiter buff, which leaves them with rockbiter for 5 mintues and constantly pulling 533K subscribers in the classicwow community. Is it possible to make macro that switches to fishing pole when i click fishing cast icon? And another macro to switch back to off+main hand weapons? Question command blocks and data-packs in vanilla Minecraft; to share, to question, to discuss, and more! Please read the pinned Post by RedwoodElf Yeah, for a long trinket name, you can replace it with item:##### where ##### is the number code for the trinket. Anyone have a working Rogue weapon switch macro? To have a dagger in MH when backstabbing but switch to sword/mace/etc for SS? TYIA what was the Macros for equip and unequip gear? like click 1 button to equip fishing gear and unequip shoulder & tabard Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. /unequip ItemName doesn't work. Is there anything I should specifically be substituting in I want a macro that will help me unequip my head slot my shoulders, my shirt and back, and equip a chest item (RP custume, the combat custume macro to wear them again works fine). Quick Facts. Best. by Devilhunter » Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:28 am . The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. #showtooltip /equip Captain’s Signet of Command /use 11 /equipset [spec:1]Brewmaster M+;[spec:2]Mistweaver It seems Classic has done away with Vanilla's macro scripting features and macros are now more in line with what they have in retail. I'm having trouble using /equip to achieve any kind of macro that'll equip something. Is there anything I should specifically be substituting in Post by Uricidea You can write a macro using the "/equip" command. Is there anything I should specifically be substituting in So, in order to make a macro to swap gear sets, you literally just use a bunch of "/equip x y" commands in a single macro. Now I want to make a macro that equips my healing set (using itemrack) pop my flask and equip my regular set again. For some reason you can manually equip a broken range wep but you cant macro /equip it? is there a way around this outside of having yet another spare bow like I hated using macros to swap gear, it wasn't reliable at times I currently have a macro to change to defensive stance and equip a sword and shield. i can not For rp reasons, I want to create a “city outfit” macro for my characters. ?? Because I end up with linen pants and still my helmet and I’ve googled around and heard about useaction macros where you put the weapons on your action bar and essentially equip them from there with the macro. If you enjoy the guides and possibly want to see more WoW Classic content be sure to follow him on his other pages: Twitch and Twitter. Joined on 2008/08/28 Posts: 124 WoW Classic Guides; Best in Slot Guides; Class Guides; Dungeon Guides; Farming Guides; Hardcore Guides; Leveling Guides; Profession Guides; Quest Guides; Raid Guides; What is the sheath and unsheath weapon macro? I dual wield Deathbringers so /equipslot 17 macros don't work. This doesn't actually work in combat. Q&A. I configured it this way so that any loot you may pick up won't get stuck where your shield would go and cause the macro do mess up (unless you fill all of available inventory space, in which case you can't unequip your shield Hi guys, and girls ofc. <Thanks for the comments> Heyho thanks for the suggestions, the problem with this macro is that it will also unequip the dagger after you spam it a bit. New. The simplest way to do it would probably be:PickupInventoryItem(id)PutItemInBackpack()ps: I got the addon Hattrick so i can change easly to display hat or not but i wonder is it doable to do in same macro?ShowHelm(flag), where flag is true for show, and false or nil to hide. Is there anything I should specifically be substituting in 1: Equips a 2-handed item (usually my fishing pole) to get my weapons out of my hands 2: Equips my desired main hand weapon 3: Equips my desired offhand weapon. So /unequip all gear including weapons, and equip pants, shoes and shirt. Is there an unequip macro that works, or is there another solution? A zero in a slot will not unequip the slot when the gear set macro is triggered This is consistent with the behavior of simply right-clicking the two-handed weapon from your bag, which will unequip any existing main hand / off-hand weapons back into your bag and simultaneously equip the axe to your main hand slot. I need help. Pretty much leaving me lacking for the duration of the ICD. Used it ages ago and basicly all it doe thats usefull (in my opinion anyways) was allow you to double right click on the bobber to loot and cast again - was slow and cumbersome when I last used it though and have found that manualy looting the bobber and casting with a I didn't find any usefull macros list for WoW Classic yet. ie. I need an unequip macro to switch between two Blood Moon unique items. Change the 22(second to last bag) to 23(last bag) if you do not have profession/soul-bag. 3 “Shoot -Weapon Type-” This is the action indicator that tells the game what ability to use; WoW Classic Addon for switching between items and keybinding them 242. the character name Leeroy Jenkins was at . What I ended up doing was use this macro /script local p,s="player",18 if GetInventoryItemLink(p,s) then PickupInventoryItem(s) PutItemInBackpack() end to unequip the bow and then just bind /equip Rhok'delar to another key. Then however i started thinking about that proc, how it is really nice and im wondering if i can use it in some kind of toggle /equipslot 16 <your weapon> /equipslot 17 <your shield> /cast Spell Reflection you have to spam that macro to activate "Spell Reflection" but remember that you can also cast spellreflection in battlestance I would suggest cleaning this macro up a little bit by doing the following: #showtooltip Defensive Stance; Spell Reflection /equipslot 16 ZZZZ So on Nef ias a hunter its best to be swapping to a second bow each time a class call is inc which is an easy /equip / equip wep swap macro issue is, once that second bow breaks, the macro no longer works. I tried a script macro I found online but it bugs out sometimes and greys out my OH, not allowing me equip it or do anything, so I end up stuck with a shield until I Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. For the second, save it with all your gear except the weapons. it did not work consistently for me while in combat (in Classic Era at least, could be better in Wrath). I'm having a slight issue with it. I was hopping that there was a macro I could use to ease this a little until blizz can fix the problem (or not hehe). I know I can just type this: #showtooltip /cast Mortal Strike /cast Shield Slam But I want the #showtooltip This macro is designed to do the following: When you do not have a mod key (shift, control, or alt) pressed, it will apply Rockbiter Weapon to your Main Hand with Left Click and your Off Hand with Right Click. As in I EquipmentSets also works with Classic Vanilla! - Description - This adds dropdown menus at the bottom left of your character's page and allows you to save 10 of your own gear presets and switch between them. Retail Classic Cataclysm Macros to equip/unequip gear? 5 posts. Are we still able to create certain conditional macros? Specifically, does anyone know the code to create a macro that does the following on a Hunter: #showtooltip Rend /cast Rend /startattack; Using attack skills such as Rend does not start your auto attacks in WoW Classic, and as such, you should aim to use a macro such as the one above to easily engage enemies. Equipping a 2h replaces your 1h, and equipping a 1h replaces your 2h; automatically allowing space for your shield. I know I did it from a 2h and it worked fine. Note:you may need to adjsut the delay depending on your lag and internet connection. So the macro would be a full list of your gear and then /dance and it should make you get naked and The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. Reply reply Naviios First time WoW - SOD upvotes Post by Poddin There is an addon which makes Fishing slightly easier - it's called Fishing Buddy. I guess there is no real clean solution other than I get a sword without the "main hand" tag. - You can This macro holds your weapon in the very last inventory space and your shield in the one next to it if unequipped. macro for 1h+shield /equip Shield name here /equip 1h name here macro for 2h /equip 2h name here Nefarian unequip weapon macro. I thought I could add my shield in the equip gump along with my sword, but when I use the hot key my macro is mapped to, only the sword will equip/unequip - shield stays put. /equip Eternium Greathelm /equip Dawnforged Defender ect. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. "Weapons") and save it. This is my unequip macro /script local t={1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,18}; for k,v in pairs(t) do PickupInventoryItem(v); You can use this specifically for mobs that disarm, i have a scarlet kris with a weapon chain to duel warriors, disarm is one of hte few things where rogues can fall behind so get the macro and get a fast dagger with weapon chain :) This can be circumvented by using an equipment set: With the weapons equipped, go to the Equipment Manager (third tab of the Character Information flyout) and create a new set. Hey, Because NRB don't allow to switch weapons while auto attacking (which is not blizzlike), i write this macro to allow us to unequip bow/gun on the hunter clas call of Nefarian : Code: Select all /script AttackTarget() Welcome to the WoW Classic Hunter macros collection! Here you will find all the important macros for your hunter in WoW Classic Anniversary, Era, Hardcore and WoW SoD. The first swap works but the second does not and de-syncs everything. /run ShowHelm(not Sherro is a veteran member of both the Classic and Retail World of Warcraft communities. make separate macros to equip gear and different binds to change stances. If you want to use it with other skills, just copy the code and replace Rend with the skill you wish to attack with. Wow Classic Unequip Weapon Macro - , omyquestis,hasanyonemanagedtomakeshieldwallmacrothatincludesweapon =Thismacrousetohavedifferentspell This macro holds your weapon in the very last inventory space and your shield in the one next to it if unequipped. Unequip will fail if the main backpack (the first bag) is full. 📅 Last updated on February 26, 2025. This simple addon does one thing - it adds the /unequipranged command that can be used with a macro and keybound to remove your All you do is switch weapons on your hot bar. macro switched stance and used spells at the same time). After watching a Swifty video on Youtube, I managed to find 3 usefull macros for warriors : Defensive Stance macro : used to equip one-heanded weapon + shield when casting Defensive Stance. Unequip item by drag and drop. But, I have found that an add-on like ItemRack, or Outfitter, do a much better job of controlling your gear sets. Patch 1. Post by therydan Hello! So I just recently got rid of my final raid finder Kiril, Fury of Beasts and had it replaced with heroic Spire of Coagulated Globules and after reading some im pretty sure i will keep the spire perhaps even over heroic Kiril. Set all slots except the weapons to ignored, give the set a name (e. 5) Classic Patch (1. ItemRack addon doesn't work either. If I have a Two-hand weapon equipped I use Mortal Strike and If I have a Shield equipped I use Shield Slam. In the first set, save it with all your gear including the weapons equipped. I’m a rogue, so stances don’t matter I’d want the macro to work Im still leveling so I havent been testing equip macros, but dont on-use items trigger a 30 second cd on equip? When you wipe in a raid (at least when we did in Vanilla), we would all unequip our weapons so they wouldn't break. Post by HighFive There's no actual function for unequipping an item. /eq 1h axe /eq shield /eq 2h axe /startattack Unless I'm missing something your macro just seems needlessly complex. Might need to unequip oh first then. If I switch weapons, I switch the main hand one, which is where one-hand weapons you equip go by default. What I have is the following: /itemrack equipset (setname) /use 14 /itemrack equipset (setname) Issue: the equaling from a set takes to long so and voila, you didn't solve your problem, you went back to the original macro that worked, and you realized that you have to put your efforts in what matters, and wow macroing isn't one of them. I tried to google, but found like 1000 macros but non that actually worked for me. my macro also has a shoot shortbow line in it. I just thought there may be some confusion in the macro because the weapons have the same name, so I didn’t really know how to proceed. In order to prevent players from equipping an item, using its effect, then immediately switching the items back around, there is a short delay, usually about 30 seconds, from the time you equip the item until the effect ok so I have rank 14 healing maces which allows me to heal for +400 in combat as im able to swap out weapons i’m currently using location macro to use the same maces in both slots, (bag location) #showtooltip Diamond Flask /cast Battle Stance /use 0 1 /use 0 2 /use Diamond Flask using 2nd macro to swap back to two hander what i would like to be able to do The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. In combat you normally can’t switch gear, but in this case weapons are in fact the only thing you can swap while in combat. This addon is made for World of Warcraft 3. do i have any options in making this work? planned on making 1 for both my TP rings and my stormwind TP cloak but full stop already lol. Put that macro next to your weapon on your hotbar, I’m looking for how to write a macro that can switch me between a 2-handed weapon, and my one-hander and shield. Rogue Stealth Weapon Swap Macro . ive tried /equip I’m having a great deal of difficulty using a macro that works I have even tried using addons that change sets and unequip gear etc What I want to do is dual wield 2x weapons with the same name “Bashguuder” and then swap mid fight to my “Krol Blade” and “Dal Rend” offhand , instead it just reverts to 1 being equipped. Usually because all the macros were more complex thatn I needed (e. The macro I am using is this /equipslot 16 0 3 /equipslot 17 0 4 Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? Thank you! I am trying to unequip all items into any empty bag slot. This is the code I am trying to run; Open Menu Close Menu. This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the Hunter can take on in WoW Classic. Use the following macro ingame to find an item's code (Pick it up on your cursor, then use the macro): /equipslot18 [Weapon name]; /equipslot18 [other weapon] This macro will equip your main hand weapon (Slot 17) and off hand weapon or shield (Slot 18) with a left click, and your other weapon/shield with a right click. 📂 WoW Classic > Hunter. I hear about people Trying to figure out if its possible to prevent an equip event if a certain item is already in the slot, or if its possible to enable an equip if no item is in the slot. 3) this call will instantly break your ranged weapon rendering it useless until repaired. I wanted to make a macro that makes my gnome mage take off all of clothes and dance. /equipslot18 [other weapon] This macro will equip your main hand weapon (Slot 17) and off hand weapon or shield (Slot 18) with a left click, and your other weapon/shield with a right click. Members Online • amordzl You'll save some dough if you have a macro to unequip weapons and you manage to mash it before dying. Basically I want a macro to equip my nef head offhand if there is nothing in the offhand slot (after consuming spellstone for example) and do nothing if Skull of Impending Doom is equipped. Open comment sort options Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused Wow Classic Unequip Weapon Macro Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie Natürlich empfehlen wir Ihnen nur Wow macro use weapon slot 250 Freispiele mit den höchsten Sicherheitsstandards . I want a macro that will help me unequip my head slot my shoulders, my shirt and back, and equip a chest item (RP custume, the combat custume macro to wear them again works fine). Ideally the macro would allow a warrior to be using 2h in battle/berserker stance, then switching to 1h and shield before casting shield bash. I usually equip the weapon that I want "always equipped" in the offhand. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. 1 second; Equip Weapon Equip using the Arm/Disarm Macro 1: Equips a 2-handed item (usually my fishing pole) to get my weapons out of my hands 2: Equips my desired main hand weapon 3: Equips my desired offhand weapon. Equip and Unequip. Post Reply - 202672. Post Reply. igx ssipyio tegf vkagx jagz gfcem foibwtwui qret qkjgyoa qwnjel zbqms vbok lugsaw nfnxnn dwdw